Who's the Sloppy One?
Anyone that has watched The Odd Couple before knows that, although sometimes comical, living with roommates is never easy. This fact was realized by 58 year-old Kenneth Matthews when, failing to restock the bathroom with toilet paper, was beaten to a pulp by his roommate with a sledgehammer and a claw-hammer.
But there were no witty fortes when the police showed up to arrest 56 year-old Franklin Paul Crow who claimed Matthews had pulled a rifle on him after arguing about the toilet paper all weekend.
Last I checked, toilet paper was going for 49ยข a roll but still, I can understand - it's the principal of the thing! I mean, you go through all the trouble of stealing toilet paper out of the stalls at work and he does nothing but wipe his ass with it. Does he even say thank you? Is it too much to ask that he pick up a roll here and there? or stop leaving his towels on the floor? or clean his love gunk out of the shower drain? or stop talking during LOST? or stop fucking mouth breathing like a grouper gasping for air just to ANNOY ME!!!?
After the beating Crow apparently lost his shit.
It is not reported what he used to wipe his ass.
Don't squeeze the Charmin