Bigger Butts Demand Bigger Pricks
It's been a while since I last posted, but this article practically jumped out and demanded I steal the Spittoon spotlight back from Kid Hubris.
Bigger butts require bigger needles. Yes, folks - it's news. A recent study showed that obese Americans are getting the short end of the booster shot because of the medical establishment's one-needle-fits-all approach to... ahem...prosterior injec... oh, hell - shots in the ass.
OK... I must be getting a little rusty here - I cannot think of any way to goof on this story. Reality is indeed stranger than fiction, and in matters involving butt needles, doubly so. I cannot retell this story any goofier than Reuters did.
It is certainly a sad commentary on... something. I think I need to process this one for a while, so I am going to ditch work early, throw some Sir-Mix-Alot on the ol' iPod, and take the stairs instead of the elevator...
UPDATE: damn - just one day later and my brilliant headline has already been outdone. This morning, the UK's Daily Mail reports:
"Jabs Don't Work on Fat-Bottomed Girls"
Confound those cheeky Brits.
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