One of the major aspects of the human animal is the ability to swiftly adapt to our surroundings in order to survive. Despite this development in our species, Mother Nature still finds it necessary to do its best to take the weak ones down like a tiger on a sick zebra so as to not taint the progression of the species with substandard DNA. So while our beloved Gaia attends to these chromosonal custodial duties, sweeping the flotsam and jetsam from our gene pools, leave it to government assistance to make her job even harder.
Remember last year, right about this time, there were a few "squalls" in the southern states one right after another that leveled neighborhoods, washed out roads, destroyed crops, and left thousands injured or killed? Remember an estimated $42 billion in property loss and damage?
If your answer is "No" then you must be from one of these storm-ravaged states where one of the byproducts of having your world torn from the ground and whipped around you at 145MPH. According to a Mason-Dixon poll released this week, 56% felt that it was all a dream("not too vulnerable" or "not at all vulnerable"), 47% haven't thought much about it(no plan in place) and 25% didn't learn a damn thing(would do nothing to prepare in the event of a storm warning.)
So if you ever ask yourself: "Why would anyone live in a place where their house gets blown away every couple of years?" be assured it is a delicate balance of nature attempting to make us stronger while government programs keep paying them to be stupid.
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